Etiqueta: Gasoline
Gasoline shortages get worsen in Venezuela due to the PDVSA’s truck fleet in...
The Nicolas Maduro regime is once again facing the gasoline shortages in the country, only one month after getting 1.5 million barrels...
PDVSA took control of the services stations in Caracas
By Elizabeth Ostos.
The government of Nicolás Maduro took the total control of several services stations in Caracas, the...
Drivers in Western Venezuela wait more than 48 hours to obtain gasoline
Three days of lines, preferential attention at subsidized gas stations, delay due to installations of the bio-payment system, discrimination to supply, and...
Chaos and long lines in 1st day of Iranian gasoline sell in Venezuela
By El Pitazo with additional reporting by Carlos Camacho.
On the morning of Monday, June 1, there were queues...
Farm producers are stranded in Guarico as the gasoline shortage intensifies
Restrictions on fuel distribution, as part of the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, are triggering long lines at service stations...
Lack of gasoline made Venezuelans bust Coronavirus quarantine
After three days without fuel, this arrived at two gas stations in Bejuma, Carabobo state, this Tuesday, March 17. Immediately, a long...
Amazonas with no fuel: gasoline goes to gold mines, river captains say
The gold mines in Venezuela’s Amazonas state are getting all of the gasoline, while river captains have to make do, the association...
Gasoline shortage and theft, trigger more protests in Bolivar state
By Carlos Suniaga.
Ciudad Guayana.- Bus drivers covering the Troncal 10 highway in Bolivar state staged a protest on...